On Mentors.

Hunter M. Charneski
3 min readFeb 19, 2022

Without them, you’re on your own.

The library of our lives is too vast to venture about unaided.

If left to our own devices, without mediation, then we’re bound to wander off and delve only into what we want. Which is a problem, because we’re often wrong about what we want, aren’t we?

And if we’re only delving into what we want versus what is good for us—which should ultimately be what we want—the chances of us stumbling upon what is good for us is absolutely zero.


Because the library of our lives is too vast to venture about unaided.

So what do we do about that?

It’s simple: seek out a mentor who can act as the librarian to hold us by the hand on our journey from one chapter to the next, if you will.

But Hunter, I don’t need a mentor.

How arrogant and entitled are you? Huh? Just who the hell do you think you are?

In any movie you’ve seen or any book you’ve read, the protagonist always, one-hundred-percent-of-the-time, had a mentor.

  • Andy Dufresne (protagonist) met Red (mentor).
  • Luke Skywalker (protagonist) met Obi Wan (mentor).
  • Katniss Everdeen (protagonist) met Haymitch (mentor).

Andy, Luke, and Katniss were the heroes of their stories. The heroes. Every hero needs a mentor, otherwise the story just isn’t believable.

Which is why I tend to distance myself from people who tell me they don’t need a mentor. I don’t believe them. Their story sucks. Because they are not a hero—they’re a victim, and victims are useless. A victim’s job is to make the hero look good and the villain look bad. I don’t know about you, but that’s not someone I need or want to associate with.

Because the library of our lives are too vast to venture about unaided.

Case in point: every meaningful accomplishment in my life would have never happened had it not been for the help of a mentor.

  • Scaling my gym from pole barn to six-figure business in less than two-years, (Andy McCloy was my mentor).
  • Transforming myself from powerlifter to sprinter in fifteen-months, (Derek Hansen was my mentor).
  • Discarding the dissatisfaction of meaningless wins and stepping into the character my story really needed over a two-year process, (Brandon Lilly was my mentor).
  • And now currently, helping Artistic Alphas tap into their creative side and do what beckons them so they can stop the self-ridicule and regret, (Marshall Wilkinson is my mentor).

I tell this to all my clients and I’ll say it to you as well: I’ll never ask you to do something I have not already done.

So, seek out a damn mentor, because the library of your life is too vast to venture about unaided.


PS — To keep in touch with me, visit my website and subscribe to my email list.



Hunter M. Charneski

✝️ Man of God | 👨‍👩‍👦 Husband & Father | ✍️ Writer | 🎤 Speaker | ⚡️Sprinter | 💙 Peacemaker